Project: Thematically, Chin, Eke, and Yeh focus on the human toll of environmental blight. They have each developed particular means to remedy or prevent the waste of human productivity: Chin removes the contaminant. Eke exposes the danger. Yeh provides sanitation to improve health, art to bolster morale, and training to develop marketable skills. Create a work of art that applies one of these strategies to an environmental condition that impairs the health in the human resources in your community.

‘Human resources’ and ‘human capital’ emphasize the human contribution to the productivity. Human resource considers people as assets to a productive enterprise. This form of capital is maximized by training, education, and experience. But such human resources are wasted by poor physical health and mental instability. Environmentalists pay particular attention the environmental illnesses that occur when a person is exposed to toxins in the environment. 

Project: Thematically, Chin, Eke, and Yeh focus on the human toll of environmental blight. They have each developed particular means to remedy or prevent the waste of human productivity: Chin removes the contaminant. Eke exposes the danger. Yeh provides sanitation to improve health, art to bolster morale, and training to develop marketable skills. Create a work of art that applies one of these strategies to an environmental condition that impairs the health in the human resources in your community.

Research / Discussion: The environmentally-debilitated populations highlighted by Chin, Eke, and Yeh have neither the authority nor the means to protest on their own behalf. In each case, the artist has volunteered to serve as a spokesperson for this population. Review the projects by these artists and discuss the means they activated as artists that would not have been available to them if they were doctors or social workers.